The Biden Presidency: An Objective Examination of Inaction

By Professor Rogue

As a ghostwriter for Unemployed Professors, I have written a lot of custom essays either praising or critiquing Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Back in the day, I did the same for Obama and Bush. I had not started ghostwriting when Clinton was in office, or I would have written custom essays on him as well. So, given that I offer my clients the chance to take whatever position on these political officials that they want when I write custom essays for them, my politics don’t matter when I discuss Biden. Some Americans are just relieved that Biden is in place after they saw the Trump Administration as a disaster. Some Americans believe that Biden is not the legitimate President of the United States. Finally, some Americans wonder what the Biden Administration is doing. As far as I can tell, and despite the lofty rhetoric of the Administration, it has not done very much.

The moment that Joe Biden took office, he inherited the Pandemic from Donald Trump. Given how heavily Trump was criticized for his handling of the Pandemic and rightfully praised for Operation Warp Speed and it leading us to develop an effective COVID vaccine in about a year, Biden now owns the Pandemic. He could have never anticipated the emergence of a variant like Omicron. This said, it feels like, in relation to issues running the gamut from vaccine mandates to home testing, that the Biden Administration has been consistently behind the ball in terms of being proactive in terms of its Pandemic management.

In turn, Biden’s Built Back Better Plan, which I have written a lot of custom essays about, sounds like a great idea. America’s infrastructure is decrepit and most Americans believe that it is the government’s job to provide infrastructure as it is the only entity that can do it in an efficient and cost-effective manner. That said, Biden cannot even control his own party when it comes to them supporting the Build Back Better bill in the Senate. Even though Build Back Better is supported by a large number of Republicans, members of the GOP in the Senate are too scared of formed President Trump to cross the aisle and vote in favor of the bill. Even though it would create millions of high-paying jobs throughout the country, the prospects of Build Back Better passing are bleak.

In sum, Joe Biden hasn’t done much of anything. It is unclear if this is a political failure of it is a result of polarization in the Congress. In truth, it’s likely a combination of both. Regardless, the Democrats are now likely to be massacred in the 2022 midterm and the Republicans will probably gain control of both houses of Congress. With this having the potential to even further increase gridlock in Washington, Biden will be even less able to do anything. This is not ideal when we are in the midst of a Pandemic, Russia is invading Ukraine, and America is bursting at the seams over its partisan divide. The ultimate question is who is to blame for all this? Is it Joe Biden or is it the fact that Washington is so polarized that no President could effectively do anything in Washington today.



